About Annual Operating Budget USD
This fund is needed on an annual basis to cover our basic operating costs.
These include salaries for our employees, including those answering our phones and responding to our help desk, ministering to the prayer requests and Bible & personal questions we get on a daily basis.
The Annual Operating Budget includes everything that is our base projects and services, including everything it takes to make those departments and projects run. This includes:
Broadcasting — all satellites around the world, in-house studio expenses, and all that is involved in operating our VE department. This budget allows us to pay for filming of speakers and the entire production aspect of camp meeting. Truth Matters Podcast, MacKenzie Drebit, Barbara O'Neill, Walt Cross, Scott Mayer, Randy Skeete, Pavel Goia and all our other speakers and video projects get funded out of this budget because Broadcasting is our primary evangelism tool.
Client Relations — phone calls from non-SDA and SDA people, prayer requests, orders, donations, and Bible questions also come from Annual Operating.
Free literature to people, prison ministry all comes from this department and the Annual Operating fund allows us to keep this department operational.
Communications — One of our main functions in this department is the production of the Magazine (Faith on the Line). We sold 11 copies of the summer issue this year to one person who never knew us before their friend gave them a copy. Website text updates & maintenance, flyers, sharing cards and other sharing material all come from this department as part of our evangelism.
Accounting and IT to support all the departments is also covered under our Annual Operating Budget.
Grounds & Farm Expenses — property tax, wood for the boilers that heat the buildings, electricity and some ground maintenance and educational programs on the farm are covered in this budget.
The projects and material that we have become known for over the years we consider our "baseline“ or "our Operating Expenses” as we want to keep producing the material that reaches people, we don’t just want to be able to keep the lights on. We want to work for the Lord, so we have included many parts of our evangelistic endeavors into our cost of operating.
If you have been blessed by the projects and material that Amazing Discoveries has produced and would like to see more material like it, please consider donating to our Annual Operating Budget to help us cover the year’s expenses or to Wherever Needed which will also help us cover these expenses.
Our Total Annual Operating Budget per year is $5.4 million. Your regular support of this fund will fill a great basic need.