Washington DC Outreach - Special Project

About Washington DC Outreach - Special Project

Help us reach senators, leaders, and Trump supporters through the avenue of health to interest them in further Bible studies. Please support this endeavour to print thousands of booklets for distribution on January 20 in Washington DC!

Intemperance is widespread. How much man's senses are perverted by the use of liquor and tobacco it is impossible to say. Judges, senators, lawyers, the men who frame the laws of the land, are many of them working under the stimulus of liquor. What safety is there in their management? Are the men who command the great ocean steamers, who have the control of railways, strict temperance men? Are their brains free from the influence of intoxicants? If not, the accidents occurring under their management will be charged to them by the God of heaven, whose property men and women are. Liquor-drinkers are under Satan's destroying influence. He presents to them his false ideas, and no confidence can be placed in their judgment. {RH May 1, 1900, par. 11}

There can never be a right state of society, until the law shall close up liquor saloons, not only on Sunday but on all other days of the week. This would render it much easier to maintain public order, and would conduce greatly to domestic happiness. And why cannot this be done? It is not too much to say that liquor saloons would be closed at once, in obedience to the dictates of reason and religion, if public officers, judges, police, sheriffs, magistrates, and others were not the patrons. These men are by their influence corrupting society, and then they concur in judging and condemning the poor souls who follow their example!

Only men of strict temperance and integrity should be admitted to our legislative halls and courts of justice. Property, reputation, and even life itself is insecure when left to the judgment of men who are intemperate and immoral. How many innocent persons have been condemned to death, how many more have been robbed of all their earthly possessions, by the injustice of besotted jurors, lawyers, witnesses, and even judges! The records of crime published in our public journals show that intemperance and profligacy are increasing. While every right-minded person stands aghast at the condition of the world, is it not time to inquire, Who are giving their influence to increase this tide of evil? Who are digging the pitfalls for our youth? But every inquiry is met by the authoritative announcement that the process is sustained by law. We are expected to look on in silence, while our youth are engulfed in ruin. {ST March 2, 1882, Art. A, par. 15-16}

The purpose of this evangelistic endeavor is to reach out to senators, leaders, and Trump supporters through the avenue of health and to point them to what the Bible says about these things as well as interest them in further Bible studies. The book expands on the importance of abstinence for health and leads the reader to study Daniel who early on in his life committed to abstaining from the king's food, and became ten times wiser. As a result, he was honored by God, and given interpretations and dreams and a great statesman in the kingdom of Babylon. The book ends by pointing the reader to the statue of Daniel 2 and prophecy and invites them to study further. Your help for this project will put this little easy-to-read book into the hands of thousands and invite them to study more. Let's use the opportunity of Trump's success to invite people to study further through the health message, the right arm of the gospel! Please support this endeavor to print thousands of booklets for distribution on January 20 and thereafter!